Monday, October 8, 2012

Photo Challenge

Why hello there Blog!  Long time no see.  It's been a crazy couple of months - being away at camp for 2 months, getting back in the swing of freelance work - all of which amounts to not very much blogging.  I do have some recipes to post soon though!  In the meantime, here's a post without a recipe but with something else I've become passionate about - Photography!!

I've been a fan of good photography since high school and over the summer got more interested in really using my DSLR to the fullest and starting to shoot on full manual.  It's a fun journey to be on, though it's definitely taking some practice and I still have a lot to learn to get my images where I want them.

I decided to challenge myself at the end of the summer, and do a 30 day photo challenge.  Basically I took at least 1 picture per day that I liked and then worked in Lightroom to do some post processing on it.  I know it's a bit late (I finished this in September) but I finally put it together into a collage so I can share it.  I recently upgraded my camera to a Nikon D600 and I'll be doing a photo challenge with the new camera, but for now, I hope you enjoy this collage taken with my trusty D50.