Monday, January 28, 2013

P52 Week 4 - Weather

And I'm back!  This week I give you week 4 of P52, with a theme of weather.  I put off doing this one until late in the week because I heard we were getting snow.  I think this is one of the few times in recent years I was excited for snow.  Spending 4 years in the frozen tundra known as Syracuse kind of put a damper on the snow loving, since there's snow/ice on the ground for close to 9 months a year sometimes.  Also, here in Philly, people have NO IDEA how to drive in snow.  Which makes my life very frustrating since I a) have lots of snow driving experience, and b) still need to drive places here even when it's snowing.

BUT, on this lovely Friday, there was a light bit of snow.  And I didn't have work, so no driving needed. AND, snow is much more conducive to a photo about weather than just the disgustingly cold gray weather we had the rest of the week.  So, I bundled up in true Cuse fashion, giant puffy coat and all, and wandered down my block to try and get some good shots.  And here are my favorites.

First up, the photo I chose for P52 this week.  I found this cute puppy out on a walk and needed to capture it.

And here are 2 others that captured the weather for me :

And there's some weather for the week.  Next up we get Low light - which is perfect for me since those are the conditions I find myself in pretty much all the time.  Do you have a favorite of these 3 weather shots?  Let me know in the comments :)
Until next time, have a lovely week!

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