Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Photo Project 52 - Week 1

Hey there friends, long time no posting.

I have lots of food things I've cooked recently that I need to put up here (homemade stocks and lots of soups, as well as some roast chicken things), but until I get around to getting them all typed up and pretty for you, I thought I'd start the new year off with another project I'm working on.

I'm part of a community called Clickin' Moms (even though I'm not a mom, it's an awesome site/forum) and it's inspired me to start a Photo Project 52 - taking a photo a week for the entire year.  The group I'm in is doing a suggested theme as well, and I'm going to do my best to keep up with it each week.  Hopefully posting here will help keep me accountable and on track.

So, without further ado, here is my Week 1 Photo, for the theme "New Years".  Photo taken at the Philadelphia Mummer's Parade of the Woodland String Band.

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